BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterbird: Split clearnet files, use rsyncuvok cheetah10 days
AgeCommit messageAuthor
10 daysbird: Split clearnet files, use rsyncHEADmasteruvok cheetah
12 daysbird: fix syntax erroruvok cheetah
12 daysbird: Add function to accept default routeuvok cheetah
12 daysbird: Limit path len to 15uvok cheetah
12 daysReduce path len to 30uvok cheetah
2024-04-21Fix rpki addressuvok cheetah
2024-04-21bgp: Add various tasksuvok cheetah
2024-04-21bgp: Add cleanet functions fileuvok cheetah
2024-04-21bgp: Add clearnet definesuvok cheetah
2024-04-21Update ansible vars for vmsuvok cheetah