path: root/host_vars
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
14 daysLintingHEADmasteruvok cheetah
2024-04-21Changed to bird toleuvok cheetah
2024-04-05Fix Firstroot Tinc IPuvok cheetah
2024-04-04gloud needs sudouvok cheetah
2024-04-02Install nullmailer and unattended-upgradesuvok cheetah
2024-03-24Use directory-based approachuvok cheetah
2024-03-24Fixup tinc roleuvok cheetah
2024-02-25Add gcloud for ansibleuvok cheetah
2023-08-21tinc: Fix host varsuvok cheetah
2023-08-20Add host-vars for tinc serveruvok cheetah