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+layout: post
+title: Computer games I (used to) play
+lang: en
+categories: game
+date: 2025-03-18 10:17 +0100
+I'm not big on computer games. Usually "I don't have the time" to deal with
+them. Or rather, spending so much time on the computer at work, I'm quickly fed
+up with sitting on the computer. Also, I get frustrated quickly at times, when
+I can't make progress or repeatedly fail. So I usually only play computer games
+on vacation.
+So, as for games I played (recently-ish)? Roughly sorted by time last played
+- Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in my childhood (in no specific order):
+ - [Civilization](
+ [^civ1], [^civ2]. Yes, the original one! If I remember correctly, I always
+ got destroyed sooner or later… - [FreeCiv]( is an
+ open source game inspired by it.
+ - [3D Pinball Space Cadet]( I
+ spent hours on that one. Never quite succeeding on hitting the targets…
+ - Anno 1602. I think the first game I searched for cheats to improve my
+ chances… - [Unknown Horizons]( is a similar
+ game in open source. [^unkhor]
+ - SimCity 2000 [^simcit] -
+ [LinCity-NG]( is a similar open
+ source game.
+ - Need For Speed III
+ - Empire Earth (quite like Age Of Empires, as I found out later) - As far as
+ open source goes, [0 A.D.]( is probably the closest?
+ - "Die Völker" (apparently, "Alien Nations" in English, "The Nations" was
+ actually the sequel. Yeah, what?). I sunk quite some time into that one as
+ well.
+ - "Funk-Flitzer", which was on a "Mickey Maus" comic magazine. Go search for
+ "3-D Ultra Radio Control Racers".
+ - Worms 2 - [Hedgewars]( seems to be the open source
+ alternative.
+ - Moorhuhn, Winter Edition
+- Sometime later deep in the past: Minecraft (I stopped way before Microsoft
+ acquired it), recently followed by [Minetest, or rather,
+ Luanti]( (Though, "it's just not the same anymore".
+ I'm not sure what exactly it is, maybe my changed mindset, maybe I liked the
+ original soundtrack and game elements more…).
+- [Starbound](, very shortly
+- [OpenTTD]( Trains and buses! Though, admittedly, I
+ never quite "got it" (why do you have to manually "park" passengers on train
+ stations, instead of unloading them completely, so they continue taking the
+ train?)
+- [Dwarf Fortress]( Go with
+ [LNP]( if you
+ wanna give it a try, or the Steam version.
+- [Stardew Valley]( (on Android tablet)
+- [Factorio]( - Shaking my head over the people
+ arguing over how to perfectly optimize everything ;). I disabled biters in
+ recent play-throughs, it got to annoying for me.
+- [Terraria]( Another one where I had to resort to the
+ Wiki for the bosses.
+- [Cattails: Wildwood Story]( Got through the main
+ story, had to resort to YouTube for looking up how to beat the final boss.
+- [Turing Complete](
+- And, the most recent one,
+ [dotAge](
+The latter [^dotnote1] one is a "turn-based village builder", with challenges. I
+*guess* I can *kinda* compare it to Dwarf Fortress, as in, it can be incredibly
+hard, and you have to build a civilization [^dotdwarf] and take care of it, as
+in terms of food and drink, for example. Only you don't have to deal with goblin
+or forgotten beast invasion, but, basically, nature. And DF doesn't have tech
+research… Okay, maybe they're not comparable after all.
+The first play-throughs are rather rough, since you will only unlock additional
+content, such as farming, with play time. So your first villages will cease to
+exist quite quickly, I think. That's expected. Probably to show you the failure
+From personal experience: Don't build some new buildings too quickly. The game
+allows you to build them even though they're "useless" at that specific point in
+the game, and you need additional tech research to make them usable.
+{% linked_image
+alt="Screenshot of the game dotAge, of fairly early game play."
+ Yes, kinda unfair I only go into detail into one. I wanted to start
+ "reviewing" only this one, but then thought, "well, might as well list all
+ games I played so far". Maybe that's a chance for future blog posts.
+ I didn't like SimCity 3000 as much. And *don't get me started with Cities:
+ Skylines*.
+ General advice seems to be not to go over 50 in dotAge. In Dwarf Fortress,
+ you have to deal with the pesky Nobles instead. Something similar seems to
+ exist in dotAge as well?
+[^civ1]: Go drop a small donation, won't you?
+[^civ2]: You can actually still play it thanks to [DOSBox](
+ Not sure about the current state. The port to the Godot
+ engine seems still to be a WIP. Last blog post is quite some time ago, but
+ the [GitHub repo]( is active.